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Opt Out FAQs for Yellow phone book users

Opt Out FAQs for Yellow customers 

Opt In White Pages residential book

About ypgbooks.co.nz

General Yellow Pages Group® book distribution (not ypgbooks.co.nz orders)

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, click on the 'Contact Us' tab and we’ll do our best to help you out.


Opt Out FAQs for Yellow phone book users

When and how can I opt out of receiving phone books?

I placed an Opt Out request, but still received a book! Am I opting out of this year's phone book?

I've ordered or cancelled a book - but I've changed my mind. What should I do?

Does this mean Yellow is pulling out of the directories business?


Opt Out FAQs for Yellow advertisers

How will this affect my current ad booking?

How will this affect your circulation figures?

Will customers still be able to find my business if they're not getting the book?


Opt-In White Pages Residential Book

Why have you removed Residential listings from the Yellow book?

Does this mean Yellow is pulling out of print directories?

How will this affect my current ad booking?

If I order a copy of the White Pages Residential book, when can I expect to receive it?

How do I continue to receive the White Pages Residential book each year if I order it today?

I opted-in to continue to receive the White Pages Residential book – however I’ve changed my mind. Can I cancel my request?


About YPGBooks.co.nz

How many books can I order?

Will you email me with promotions if I give you my email address?

How long will it take for books to be delivered after I place an order?

How will orders from this website be delivered?

If I order from YPGBooks.co.nz, can I have books delivered to an address outside New Zealand?

What do I do if my order doesn’t arrive?

What do I do if my address changes before I have received all the books in my order (multiple book order with different delivery times)?

What Terms & Conditions apply to this website (YPGBooks.co.nz)?


General Yellow Pages Group Book Distribution (Not ordered books)

Why haven’t my books been delivered as part of the normal annual delivery?

When are the books for my region going to be delivered?

What do I do if I want to complain about the people who delivered my book/s?

What do I do with last year’s directories/books?

Is there anywhere I can get extra sets of directories/books?

Is there a limit of directories I can have delivered to my business?